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Website Mondays: What Content should you be Sharing with us?

Published Lynne on Monday, January 3, 2022 12:00 AM

Website Mondays Content for Schools & Agents

Content is an essential part of your digital marketing strategy and it's also important to be sharing your content on thrid party website and other social groups. The more you share, the easier you are to be found. We always tell our clients that the content we publish on their behalf reaches thousands of followers, not just those that follow us, but also those that are searching for similar programmes or schools to yours. As we are all aware, human beings don't have much patience to read long pieces of content anymore. So, if time is an issue, we can assure you that to send us a piece of content to publish on your behalf, won't take too much of your time. Here are some suggestions on topics you can write about:

Tip 1: Share your Milestones with us

Do you have any special anniversaries coming up? Have you reached a certain number of students at your school? Or a number of visitors on your website or social media? Do you have statistics relating to student numbers, nationality mix, types of courses offered, different destinations...this is all very interesting data that you can be sharing with our readers and followers.

Tip 2: What is going on in your company?

Are you looking to expand and reach new territories? Are you about to launch a new course? Or a new destination? Have you recently engaged a new member of staff? These are also interesting article topics that you can be sharing with us.

Tip 3: What are your USP's?

In other words, what makes you stand out from your competitors? Whether you are a school, an agent, or a service provider, you should be talking about your unique selling points all the time because, at the end of the day, this is what makes people choose you over anybody else. And we'd love to know too! What makes you special? What makes you different? And what makes you unique?

Tip 4: Testimonials

Testimonials are a very useful and effective way of sharing information about your company. And what makes them more effective is that the words are coming out of those who have already used your service. We always suggest that testimonials are, whenever possible, on video. When it comes to sending this content to be published on the Schools & Agents site, social media and newsletter, you can send us a YouTube link of the testimonial, and just a short description to go with it.

Where is this content published?

All Schools & Agents content is published on our site, social media and newsletter, reaching over 100,000 industry players per month. So if you haven't used this service yet, what are you waiting for? Drop us a line today to find out how we can help you spread your message among our thousands of international readers and followers. You can reach us by email on [email protected] or on our website!


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